Course Module Credit Unit
Each course has a stipulated number of credit units attached to it. This may be one, two, three, or four. The number of credit units attached to each course is related to the content of the course. A two-credit unit course, for instance, is less in content than a four-credit unit course. The number of credit units assigned to a given course is determined by the university. The usual computation being one credit unit per semester for each time a class meets during the week. Thus, a class meeting two times per week will carry two credit units for the course per semester. For laboratory and studio classes the usual credit unit figure is one credit unit for each two hours in class per week.
Grading System
A student’s work in the university is graded in the following letters and each of the letters carries an equivalent number of grade points thus:-
Score Grade | Letter | Remark |
70-100 | A | Excellent |
60-69 | B | Very Good |
50-59 | C | Good |
45-49 | D | Fair |
40-44 | E | Pass |
0-39 | F | Fail |
As from the 2013/2014 session, the NUC directed that scores from 0-44 shall be granted fail. Implementation, however, began with students in the first year of that session.
To determine the final grade a student receives in a course at the end of a semester, 30% weight is given to the continuous assessment and 70% to the semester examination.
Grade Point Average
At the end of each semester, a student’s grade point average is worked out. A student, for instance, may offer the following courses:
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
MAC 101 | Introduction to Mass Communication | 4 |
MAC 103 | History of the Nigerian Mass Media | 2 |
MAC 111 | Elements of Journalistic Style | 2 |
GSP 101 | Communication in English 1 | 2 |
GSP 111 | The Use of Library & Study Skills 1 | 2 |
GSP 105 | Natural Science 1 | 2 |
PHIL101 | Introduction to Philosophy 1 | 2 |
Total | 16 |
Assuming that the student obtains C, A, D, A, A, E and C respectively, according to the grading system, the total point of each of the courses will be worked out as follows:
Course Code | Course Title | Units | |
MAC 101 | Introduction to Mass Communication | 4 X3 | 12 |
MAC 103 | History of the Nigerian Mass Media | 2X5 | 10 |
MAC 111 | Elements of Journalistic Style | 2X2 | 4 |
GSP 101 | Communication in English 1 | 2X5 | 10 |
GSP 111 | The Use of Library & Study Skills 1 | 2X5 | 10 |
GSP 105 | Natural Science 1 | 2X1 | 2 |
PHIL 101 | Introduction to Philosophy 1 | 2X3 | 6 |
Total | 54 |
averages and their corresponding class of degree.
Table 1: Grade point averages and their corresponding class of degree
4.50 – 5.00 | !st class | Distinction |
3.50 to 4.49 | 2nd class honours, (upper) | Credit |
2.4 – 3.49 | 2nd class honours, (lower) | Merit |
1.50 – 2.39 | 3rd class | Pass |
1.00 – 1.49 | Pass | Pass |
0.00 – 0.90 | Fail | Fail |
(The NUC has abolished the Pass Degree starting from the 2013/2014 academic session).Another important point is that from the time a student is first registered for a degree or a diploma programme of this university, whatever scores they obtain in any course will count in the final grade they make at the end of their studies. It is therefore very necessary that students attend classes regularly and do assignments with all seriousness.
Class Period and Attendance
Classes are expected to begin on the hour and end ten minutes before the next hour. Seminars and laboratories shall, however, continue as long as scheduled. Attendance at lectures, seminars, practicals and examinations is mandatory. No student shall be allowed into a class unless they have been properly registered for the course and their name is on the official class list for that course.
The University of Nigeria Academic Regulations 1988/89 in chapter 3 entitled ‘Regulations for University Examinations’ makes provisions and stipulations for setting, conducting, evaluating and marking schemes – internal/external examiners for degree examinations and issuance of results; for example, it stipulates the condition for eligibility of students to take examination. It also makes provision for setting examinations, which particularly draws attention to the fact that examination questions for degree examinations ought and must be set by lecturer(s) who taught the course. A departmental examination board consisting of selected staff members vets all degree question papers. Vetted examination papers are in turn sent to an external examiner(s), as the case may be. The external examiner moderates the questions. Marked examination papers are subject to external moderation by external examiners for purpose of maintaining appropriate academic standard and ensuring fairness in the handling of all examinations. After the moderation/endorsement and compilation of results by the external examiners and the department respectively, results are then sent to the Registrar after faculty confirmation and approval.
The following are other relevant conditions stipulated in the academic regulations of the university.
During Examinations invigilators shall:
i. Ensure that no candidate takes examination question papers out of the examination room until they have completed the examination.
ii. Walk round the examination room periodically and ensure that there is no cheating. At times, at least, one invigilator shall be actively supervising and not engaged in other tasks.
iii. Ensure that every student signs their signature against his/her name and registration number in the attendance register.
iv. Go round and check the identity cards to ensure that the student who is taking the examination is not impersonating.
v. In the case of errors in the questions papers, make due consultation before any changes or alterations are made
Vi. In the case of illness a candidate, have the sick candidate removed from the examination room and if they show no sign of quick recovery, contact the Medical Centre. In his or her own interest, every candidate who has been ill during an examination shall be advised to report to the Medical Centre even if he/she completes the examination.
Vii Ensure that no extra time is given to a candidate who has been absent from the examination room for a time on ground of ill health. Instead, he/she shall write on the front cover of the candidate’s answer book a note indicating the duration of the absence and nature of the illness if known. This may be considered by the examiner.
Examination Malpractice
Categories. A: Offences leading to Expulsion from the University:
- Impersonation, aiding and abetting. The impersonator and the person impersonated are both liable. Any impersonator who is not a student of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka shall be handed over to the police.
- Presentation of fake I.D Card or submission of a fake external candidate’s form or class admit photo card with the intention to impersonate.
- Direct involvement in examination leakage obtaining and making use of leaked examination question and/or solution.
- Smuggling out/in of examination script and/or examination question paper.
- Substitution of duly submitted answer scripts.
- Forging/altering result grade and signature of office
- Physical assault on a lecturer or invigilator.
- Coming into examination hall with a gun or any dangerous weapon.
- Threatening a lecturer or invigilator’s life physically or in writing.
- Exchanging examination script and writing for each other.
Categories B: Offence leading to suspension for one academics session and rustication from hostel after which the student registers and repeats, the year. Every examination taken from that session will be cancelled and given a fail grade.
- Procuring and altering a medical certificate in order to obtain a deferment of examination.
- Lobbying for examination grades by whatever means.
- Submission of forged registration materials including add/drop card.
- Bringing in unauthorized materials, books notes, papers, etc.
- Exchange of answers by whatever means; papers electronic, etc.
Categories C: Offence leading to stepping down for one semester and rustication from hostel. This involves cancellation of/and giving a failing grade for other examination taken that semester and re-registration in the next appropriate semester.
- Mutilation of and/or in computer registration form that is not officially endorsed
- Forcing oneself into examination hall by an unregistered student.
Categories D: Offence leading to a student not to continue the examination/cancellation of that paper:
- Copying from another student (“giraffing”) or discussing in the examination hall.
- Deliberately exposing one’s script for another to copy.
- Refusal and/or failure to submit one’s script.
- Escaping from the examination hall with or without the examination script.
- Writing on any part of the human body with or without the intention to cheat.
- Unruly behaviour in examination hall, e.g. disobedience to lawful order.
- Insulting an invigilator or invigilators.
- Any other form of cheating acts not specified here under calculated to confer undue advantaged on the student whether discovered in or outside the examination hall shall be appropriately punished.