Our main objectives include:
a) To expose students to various aspects of the study of Igbo linguistics, Igbo literature and culture with a view to helping them to achieve greater competence and sophistication in their understanding and appreciation of the values inherent in these aspects.
b) To train them to be able to apply their knowledge for the advancement of their society.
c) To prepare them for further studies in the discipline and for other relevant careers
d) To be able to engage in simultaneous broadcasting and translation and interpreting in Igbo
e) To be efficient Igbo editors and publishers with the skills acquired through the study of the Igbo grammar
f) To equip students with a sound knowledge of the principles and current theories and practices of linguistics.
g) To train them to be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in solving language related tasks and problems, particularly in their environments.
h) To prepare them for further studies in teaching, media, speech and hearing remediation and language engineering.
i) To prepare them for further studies in the discipline and for other relevant careers
j) To be able to engage in simultaneous broadcasting and translation and interpreting
k) To be efficient editors and publishers with the skills acquired through linguistics
- The programme is designed to effectively combine the objectives of the B.A. Linguistics and all other Nigerian languages and cultures as listed above