The department of languages and literatures offers programmes leading to the following two degree options:
- B.A. Honor in French, German or Russian;
- B.A. Combine Honor’s in French and German, French and Russian, or German and Russian.
The Department also offer courses for B.A. Combine Honours degrees involving , French, German or Russian on the one hand, and courses from other departments of the university on the other hand, and for education students whose major teaching subject is French. Finally, the department provide elementary, intermediate, and advanced French,German and Russian courses (service courses) for student in other department of the University who need Foreign languages as electives or required ancillary courses.
The duration of the department’s degree programme is four years for candidates who gain admition by JAMB entrance examination, and three years for those who secure direct entry; but French-German, French-Russian and German-Russian combinations are four-year programmes for all categories of admitted candidates.
The third year of the four-year programme, or the second year of the three year programme, can be done ;partly or entirely in foreign countries where the relevant major languages are indigenous media of communication.